Welcome to Year 3 Room 5

with Miss Bycroft

2022 T1 Room 5 Learning Showcase

Here is our Learning Showcase for Room 5.

Below are Help Videos to use if we go into any form of Distance Learning.

This button links to our school website - distance learning at home page.

Room 5 Year 3 Distance Learning at home Daily Instructions
How to complete and share activities.mp4

If we go to Distance Learning:

Watch Miss Bycroft's video above to see the different ways you can complete your work in your drive and how to share it with your teacher. The teacher will set the tasks for the day at the morning meet and then later you will share that learning at the group meet. Please email the teacher if you cannot access your drive.

How to join a class meet.webm

If we need to have Group Meets:

Listen to Miss Robertson's Video above to help you get to Meets in your school drive. You must be in your school drive first to open the Meet. Please email the teacher if you cannot join meets